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Photo's by crew member Emma Logan

On Wednesday 29 June 2022, Commander Alex Smith from
HM Coastguard, Belfast, presented members of PIRSAC with 5 or more years service with Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.
Congratualtions to them all. 

All the medal recipiants and Commdr Smith.png

There was also a good turnout from the rest of PIRSAC and we were delighted to welcome Ian and Darren, operations officers from
HM Coastguard, Belfast  

All crew present plus Hm Caostguartd personnel.png

The individual medals being presented, with a little help from 'The Man' !

George McKenzie MBE and .....jpg
George McKenzie MBE
helen oxley and ......jpg
Helen Oxley
peter Kendal.jpg
Peter Kendal
andy muray & .....jpg
alex oxley and Commander Smith.jpg
Alex Oxley
gavin lockhart and ......jpg
Andy Murray
keith howe plus .....jpg
Keith Howe
Gavin Lockhart
Stewart Gerrish
Unable to Attend
bar 2
3 boats
pirsac 40 group
tshirt oct19
40 badge
jane cox visit
s jolly pic
event bingo dec 18 1
boys brigade
santa 2
school awareness session
george winner 17 2
event tombola 18
xmas 17
fsb announcment website
pirsac 3
new landrover
collecting the new land rover
pirsac 3
pirsac 3
new boathouse in background
old boatshed
Crew lockers kindly from Turnberry
new boat station
Building work
The View in progress
Chairperson speech at Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Cutting the first sod
looking over the plans
Groundbreaking ceremony
pirsac 3
PIRSAC at Wigtown market all day today. Get along and support them
Independent lifeboat logo
pirsac 3
pirsac 2
pirsac 3
pirsac 3
pirsac 3
pirsac 3
All images are (c) to PIRSAC and should not be used without permission
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