Extension Project
Since 2019, the directors of PIRSAC have been working on developing the shed beside the View into an extension facility to both enhance and extend The View and provide additional facilities for both tourists and local's alike. Below, as we go along, we will update information as we have it.
Welcome to the Extension Project Page. Here we will keep everyone updated on
our progress through the myriad of hurdles between now and completion.
We may ask for your help here - we might make a funding appeal.
So keep calling back to see how we are getting on.
As it stands today we have already got initial planning permission. You will see the drawing below.
We had submitted an application to the Communities Ownership Fund for funding , but as it is a UK Government fund, as soon as the general election was called, the fund closed down, and a date for it re-opening has yet to be announced by the new government - if it will indeed re-open.
The inordinate delay since we first broached this project in about 2019, was primarily caused by COVID. Every funder in the country redirected all their charitable funds to pandemic projects. That continued until about early to mid 2023. Add to that the planning department of the council was closed down, and planning personnel worked form home, there was delays there in achieving planning permission.
Watch this space for more updates as they happen.
Kenny Barr , Chairman